It's totally true! We are expecting our miracle baby this January! When I say miracle baby, it's definitely not an understatement. Most of you know that we were going to do In-Vitro after trying for three and a half years. Well, when we decided to do IVF, my fertility specialist said that IVF success rates are increased when paired with acupuncture. We decided that since we were going spend tons of money on IVF, I might as well prep my body with acupuncture and increase the odds.
I did 9 treatments with Nina Isaacson in Spanish Fork (she's wonderful!) and was just waiting for my cycle to start so I could start my first round of IVF meds. Of course I was late... like always. So I finally told myself- you're going to have to take a pregnancy test before you get on the IVF meds- you might as well take it now. Well I took the test and was absolutely stunned to discover the little screen flash "pregnant". I looked at it and stared... in shock... speechless! It was Cinco de Mayo when we found out and it is officially my new favorite holiday. Someone bring out a piñata!!!
So now I'm just about 20 weeks along and next Tuesday we find out if we're having a boy or a girl. I can already feel little kicking- like last Sunday I was singing a hymn (no. 195- How Great the Wisdom and the Love) and baby went bonkers. Yes, I do have a little pooch- but nothing quite picture worthy yet, people- I've got a long torso! I also want to thank you guys for all of your support and love through our whole fertility ordeal. It's also important for us to tell those of you who supported the blog fundraiser we were a part of that those funds will now be going to other families who are facing the same struggle we did. We know your combined faith and support was a huge part of our miracle!